Monday, May 16, 2011

The Beginning of Some Scary Internet Relations

Have you ever wanted to make out with that anonymous guy or girl you met on WoW? Or maybe some hottie you came across on Chat Roulette?

Yeah... me neither. But that doesn't mean that some people haven't.

Check out this bro who has invented a device so you can MAKE OUT with people over the internet. NO JOKE!

The Awesome explains that "you put a straw in your mouth that’s attached to a box connected to the interwebs. Then, roll that straw around with your tongue and your lucky someone somewhere else on the planet feels that sensation from a straw in their mouth attached to a box connected to the interwebs."

This sounds so unsexy to me... And really, I can't imagine it actually feeling like making out. Can you imagine what other kind of touch transmission devices are going to be invented now?! People will literally be putting their dicks into boxes! No one will ever leave their house! Think of all the people who find "true love" on the internet, now people are going to be finding hook-up buddies?! THAT THEY NEVER MEET IN PERSON?!

I mean pretty soon there is gonna be the iHorny or the iWantSex. I can just imagine Apple vs Windows competing for sex utensils for the internet. I'm seriously scared for humanity.

But maybe... on the bright side STDs won't be an issue, right?


  1. This. Is. Magical.

    And by magical, I mean creepy and hilarious. But still.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I can't help but notice a technical mistake with this device. The rotation is the same direction when the two devices are pointing in the same direction, so therefore when they are facing in opposite directions (as they would be for a mutual kissing encounter) the rotation is opposite. The rotations should be inverted.

    But I don't think that's really the point.
