Monday, March 28, 2011

WTF James Franco

I want to know what's going on here, especially since the following pictures posted by James include naked women covered in blood with swords. View the rest of the photos here

UPDATE: I guess I should of watched the videos he has been posting too:

James Franco on WhoSay

UPDATE #2: Thanks for deleting the image and video, James Franco. Way to make this blog entry meaningless. For those of you who did not see the image here is a tiny thumbnail that saved on my facebook page, sorry I didn't screencap the image. I guess I learned don't trust James Franco, or maybe it was his PR people. Hmmm... I hope I don't get in trouble for posting the thumbnail.

Update #3: I found a larger image, and replaced the non-working image. Take that! haha

Friday, March 18, 2011


Okay so I'm a little bit drunk, but as I was laying my head down on my pillow to rest for the night I remembered that I wanted to make a Saint Patrick's Day post. And I deserve to because I am IRISH. Seriously, my mom's maiden name is McCormack! So here it is, as drunk as it should be. ;)

So last night I watched Leprechaun 5:In tha Hood with a couple of my friends. I gotta say this is a BAD FUCKING ASS movie. The Leprechaun speaks in rhymes the whole time, he smokes weed, he fucks shit up, he is my hero. (sorry, it won't let me embed it)

I gotta say, so many quotable lines that I will be using the rest of my life.
  • "We're like Robin Hood, cept we robbin' tha hood"
  • "Curious aroma... tha BOMB??? , aaaah tha bomb: a friend with weed is a friend indeed. But a friend with gold is the best I'm told"
  • "Chow get down hard with his funky self.... Chow has the music in ME!"
I mean maybe, JUST MAYBE, I should have watched the first 4 before I watched the 5 sequel, but oh-fucking-well. I mean Ice-T stars in this movie, and he is basically a family friend 'cause my dad took photographs of him in the 80s (maybe 90s). Anyways, fo'reals in my house we have a gold record of Ice-T's hanging for errrrbody to see.THATS HOW BAD-ASS MY FAMILY IS. BUUUUUUT now all I want to see is Leprechaun 6:BACK IN THA HOOD.

So to celebrate today I made people coffee, cause some unfortunate fuckers still have finals (may the lord be with you) then I FINALLY got my eyebrows DID, I officially look like a human being again. Then I went searching for birthday shit ie) shoes and a dress. I ended finding these sexy-ass shoes that I TOTALLY LOVE. So I'm stoked, I'm gonna look hot in Vegas (in one week) I also tried on about 20 things from Urban Outfitters and nothing looked good on me, they are officially going down the shit hole. Good luck staying in business, my friend. I did buy a shirt though, but I dunno if I will wear it in Veg-ass... Czech out tha' new shoez:


DASSS RIGHT. I'm super excited for Veg-ass.

Also after Da-Lovely roommate, Paige, was off werk we went to McDonald's for some Shamrock Shakes. Fuck Yeah. The only REAL way to celebrate an Irish Holiday. And for the rest of my night I drank a fawdie, iced some bros, and drunk facebooked. I gotta say this was a good Saint Patrick's Day. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!

PS- In my drunken state I made Dave Franco my backround image on my laptop. The best part is... I'm borrowing my dad's laptop cause my screen is getting fixed. Sorry dad! (or you're welcome) also I'll probably forget about this in the morning, pleasant surprise? Yussss.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You're Just too Good to Be True

James Franco getting a twitter/facebook was the worst/best thing that ever happened.

Paige, my lovely roommate, has to deal with me always saying "Oh man, you have to see this" a month ago this was usually referring to YouTube videos with cats in them, but ever since James Franco began posting photos and videos I am now usually referring to him. I HAVE REPLACED CATS WITH JAMES FRANCO. This is no bueno... cats should always come first. The worst part is sometimes the two collide, then SHIT GETS REAL. I'm beginning to think I should just change this blog to be only about me and James Franco, then it would be a little more focused than me just blogging about random shit (but mostly James Franco) ... oh well. World, you're just gonna have to deal.

Now onto the point of the entry. James Franco posts this video of him humming and then singing along to Frankie Valli's "Can't Take My Eyes Off You". Although he is basically asleep, it's still adorable. Why? Because he is James Franco

James Franco on WhoSay

So after I watched that, I OF COURSE thought of Heath Ledger's rendition of the song from 10 Things I Hate About You (my favorite rom-com in existence)... For your viewing pleasure here is the late and great Heath Ledger stealing every woman's heart... probably a couple guy's hearts as well.

After watching this video, I thought to myself (and out loud to my roommate). What if someone actually did this for me? ... Well I would have to say if you aren't Heath Ledger, or a Franco, (which you probably aren't since Heath is dead and no Franco is reading my blog. No one reads my blog let alone a Franco. Aaaand lets be honest for at least one second: no Franco would do this for me even if they were reading my blog. I may hope and dream, but it ain't gonna happen) don't do this. It will end up being creepy. I would be freaked out. Maybe thats just me and my commitment/relationship issues speaking. Don't get me wrong, I would be flattered, but seriously a whole band playing the song? I would feel obligated to date the person who did this for me, and lets be real this performance/display of affection could never be topped so just don't go there.

Okay, so I officially have "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" stuck in my head. Lets give Frankie Valli some credit for creating a song that I will probably be singing all week long, cause (secretly) I'm going to watch the James Franco video at least five more times in the next week, I may even have to watch 10 Things I Hate About You. I mean fuck it, its spring break I can do whatever I please and I happen to like watch attractive men sing (to me).

Here's the OG song:

Which I'm going to note that the video has 3,619 "Likes" and only 26 "Dislikes". You 26 weird-ass, dumb-ass, nasty-ass people who disliked this song can suck my cock, or whatever, basically you are dumb and I disapprove of your existence.

So basically ever since I watched the James Franco video I have been humming and singing this song all day. And as a joke (or for reals) I turned to Paige, my roommate (the lovely one), as I was dramatically belting the song and paused to say "I'm gonna sing this song at my wedding" the look she gave me was a mixture of pure horror and slight disgust, so I think all systems-a-go for the day I actually decide to settle down and get married. I'll most likely be drunk, or at least drinking, so why not? I hope some police chase after me and try to escort me from my own wedding. That would be YouTube GOLD. Gimme 10 years. YouTube, if you're still around you better be ready for this.

Last thing I have to say: Muse covered this song too?!

I just started singing the song again and this is the response I get "I'm going go to bed before I punch you" -Paige Smith

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The video speaks for itself.

and if anyone has the connections to hook me up with Dave Franco... I wouldn't mind if you made that happen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lady Gaga Bein' All Sweet

At a recent show (about a week ago) in Toronto, Lady Gaga sang "Born this Way" with 10 year old Maria Aragon, a youtube sensation who recently covered Gaga. This is absolutely adorable and shows just how big the Lady's heart is and how she genuinely loves her fans. She realizes she wouldn't be anything with out her fans and pays her respect to them. I love Lady Gaga and everything she does. She rages, she fights for great causes, and she is an absolute sweetheart. Long live Lady Gaga.

Here is Maria's original video which she only posted on February 16th and now has over 20 million views!