Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cat's in the Bag?

OMG, is it real? Why does it look so weird? Why does it look like it just saw a ghost? I am SO intrigued.

This image makes me think of some crazy lady who carries around her dead cat because she thinks its still alive. Doesn't something like that happen in some movie?

Anyways, I wish I was COOL enough to carry around my pet cat... Too bad my cats are each 20lbs and live in Orange County while I'm in Santa Barbara :( I can't imagine a cat that would be chill enough to just sit in a purse all day, mine would flip a bitch, they would freak the fuck out, they would NOT be okay with it. Thats why I've come to the conclusion that this cat is dead. Aggggh so creepy! Aaaaand the girl's facial expressions are so plain and normal. I feel like this is one of those photos where its stating "You can't judge a book by its cover" ie) these girls may look sweet and normal, BUT THEY AREN'T! They are psycho and carry around their dead pets, and are friends with dead people.

Thanks for listening to...errrr reading my rant

photo taken from Terry Richardson's Blog

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